Table views are among the most used components of the UIKit framework and are an integral part of the user experience on the iOS platform. Table views do one thing and they do it very well: present an ordered list of items. The UITableView
class is a good place to continue our journey through the UIKit framework as it combines several key concepts of Cocoa Touch and UIKit, including views, protocols, and reusability.
The UITableView
class, one of the key components of the UIKit framework, is highly optimized for displaying an ordered list of items, both small and large. Table views can be customized and adapted to a wide range of use cases, but the fundamental idea remains unaltered, presenting an ordered list of items.

The UITableView
class is only responsible for presenting data as a list of rows. The data that is being displayed is managed by the table view’s dataSource
object. The dataSource
object can be any object that conforms to the UITableViewDataSource
protocol. The table view’s data source object is often the view controller that manages the view the table view is a subview of as we will see later in this article.
Similarly, the table view is only responsible for detecting touches in the table view. It is not responsible for responding to the touches. In addition to the table view’s dataSource
object, the table view has a delegate object. Whenever the table view detects a touch event, it notifies its delegate object of the touch event. It is the responsibility of the table view’s delegate object to respond to the touch event.
By having a data source object managing its data and a delegate object handling user interaction, the table view can focus on data presentation. The result is a highly reusable and performant UIKit component that is in perfect alignment with the MVC (Model-View-Controller) pattern that we discussed in the previous article. The UITableView
class inherits from UIView
and is therefore only responsible for displaying application data.
A data source object is similar but not identical to a delegate object. A delegate object is delegated control of the user interface by the delegating object. A data source object, however, is delegated control of data. The table view asks the data source object for the data that it should display. This implies that the data source object is also responsible for managing the data it feeds the table view.
Table View Components
The UITableView
class inherits from UIScrollView
, a UIView
subclass that provides support for displaying content that is larger than the size of the application’s window. An instance of UITableView
is composed of rows with each row containing one cell, an instance of UITableViewCell
, or a subclass thereof. In contrast to UITableView
‘s counterpart on OS X, NSTableView
, instances of UITableView
are one column wide. Nested data sets and hierarchies can be displayed by using a combination of table views and navigation controllers (UINavigationController
) as we will see later in this series.
I already mentioned that table views are only in charge of (1) displaying data, delivered by the data source object, and (2) detecting touch events, which are routed to the delegate object. A table view is nothing more than a view managing a number of subviews, the table view cells (figure 2).

A New Project
Instead of overloading you with theory, it is better to create a new iOS project and show you how to set up a table view, populate it with data, and have it respond to touch events.
Open Xcode, create a new project (File > New > Project…, figure 3), and select the Single View Application template (figure 4). Name the project Table Views, assign an organization name and company identifier, set the Devices option to iPhone, and enable Automatic Reference Counting (ARC) for the project (figure 5). Tell Xcode where you want to save the project and hit Create (figure 6).

The new project should look familiar, because we chose the same project template in the previous article. Xcode has already created an application delegate class for us (MTAppDelegate
) and it also gave us a view controller class to start with (MTViewController
Adding a Table View
Build and run the project to see what we are starting with. The gray screen that you see when running the application in the iOS Simulator is the view of the view controller (MTViewController
) that Xcode instantiated for us in the application delegate. Take a look at the previous article if you need to refresh your memory.
The easiest way to add a table view to the view controller’s view is through Interface Builder. Open the view controller’s nib file, MTViewController.xib, and locate the Object Library on the right as we saw in the previous article (figure 7). Browse the Object Library and drag a UITableView
instance to the view controller’s view (figure 7). The dimensions of the table view should automatically adjust to fit the bounds of the view controller’s view. You can manually adjust the dimensions of the table view by dragging the white squares at the edges of the table view (figure 8). Remember that the white squares are only visible when the table view is selected.

This is pretty much all that we need to do to add a table view to our view controller’s view. Build and run the project to see the result in the iOS Simulator. You should see a table view with no data (figure 9).

A table view has two default styles, (1) plain and (2) grouped. To change the current style of the table view (Plain), select the table view in Interface Builder, open the Attributes Inspector and change the style attribute to Grouped (figure 10). For this project, though, we will work with a plain table view so make sure to switch the table view’s style back to plain.

Connecting Data Source and Delegate
You already know that a table view is supposed to have both a data source and a delegate object. However, our table view doesn’t have a data source or a delegate just yet. We need to connect the dataSource
and delegate
outlets of the table view to an object that conforms to the UITableViewDataSource
and UITableViewDelegate
protocols. In most cases, that object is the view controller that manages the view which the table view is a subview of. Select the table view in Interface Builder, open the Connections Inspector on the right and drag from the dataSource
outlet (the empty circle on its right) to the File’s Owner of the nib file in the Placeholders section (figure 11). Do the same for the delegate
outlet. Our view controller is now set as the data source and delegate of the table view.

If you were to build and run the project now, it would crash almost instantly. The reason for this will become clear in a few moments. Before taking a closer look at the UITableViewDataSource
protocol, we need to update the header file of the view controller class, MTViewController
. The data source and delegate objects of the table view need to conform to the UITableViewDataSource
and UITableViewDelegate
protocol, respectively. As we saw earlier in this series, protocols are specified between angle brackets after the superclass in the header file. Multiple protocols are separated by commas.
#import <UIKit/UIKit.h> @interface MTViewController : UIViewController <UITableViewDataSource, UITableViewDelegate> @end
Creating the Data Source
Before we start implementing the methods of the data source protocol, we need some data to display in the table view. The data will be stored in an instance of NSArray
so we first need to add a new property to our view controller class. Select the view controller’s header file, MTViewController.h, and add a property named fruits
. The property should be of type NSArray
#import <UIKit/UIKit.h> @interface MTViewController : UIViewController @property NSArray *fruits; @end
In the view controller’s viewDidLoad
method, we populate the fruits
property with a list of fruit names, which we will display in the table view a bit later. The viewDidLoad
method is automatically invoked after the view controller’s view and its subviews are loaded into memory, hence the name. viewDidLoad
is therefore a good place to initialize the fruits
- (void)viewDidLoad { [super viewDidLoad]; // self.fruits = @[@"Apple", @"Pineapple", @"Orange", @"Banana", @"Pear", @"Kiwi", @"Strawberry", @"Mango", @"Walnut", @"Apricot", @"Tomato", @"Almond", @"Date", @"Melon", @"Water Melon", @"Lemon", @"Blackberry", @"Coconut", @"Fig", @"Passionfruit", @"Star Fruit"]; }
In the viewDidLoad
method, we assign an array literal to the view controller’s fruits
property. This should be familiar to you if you have read the previous article. The fruits array contains the data that we will display in the table view.
The UIViewController
class, the superclass of the MTViewController
class, also defines a viewDidLoad
method. The MTViewController
class overrides the viewDidLoad
method defined by the UIViewController
class. However, overriding a method of a superclass is never without risk. What if the UIViewController
class does some important things in the viewDidLoad
method? How do we make sure that we don’t break anything when we override the viewDidLoad
method? In situations like this, it is key to invoke the viewDidLoad
method of the superclass first before doing anything else in the viewDidLoad
method. The keyword super
refers to the superclass and we send it a message of viewDidLoad
. This will invoke the viewDidLoad
method of the superclass. This is an important concept to grasp so make sure that you understand this properly before proceeding.
Data Source Protocol
Because we assigned the view controller as the data source object of the table view, the table view will ask the view controller what it should display. The first piece of information the table view wants from its dataSource
object is the number of sections it should display. The table view does this by invoking the numberOfSectionsInTableView:
method on the data source object. This is an optional method of the UITableViewDataSource
protocol. If the table view’s dataSource
object does not implement this method, the table view will assume that it needs to display only one section. We implement this method anyway as we are going to need it later in this article.
What is a table view section? A table view section is a group of rows. The Contacts application on iOS, for example, groups contacts based on the first letter of the last (or first) name. Each group of contacts forms a section, which is preceded with a section header at the top of the section and/or a section footer at the bottom of the section.
- (NSInteger)numberOfSectionsInTableView:(UITableView *)tableView { return 1; }
The numberOfSectionsInTableView:
method accepts one argument, tableView
, which is the table view that sent the message to the data source object. This is important as it will allow a view controller to be the data source of multiple table views if necessary. As you can see, the implementation of numberOfSectionsInTableView:
is quite easy.
You might be thrown off by the use of NSInteger
as the return type of numberOfSectionsInTableView:
. NSInteger
is a data type defined in the Foundation framework. NSInteger
and its unsigned variant, NSUInteger
, have a dynamic definition to enhance portability.
Now that the table view knows how many sections it will need to display, it will ask its dataSource
object how many rows each section contains. For each section in the table view, the table view will send the dataSource
object a message of tableView:numberOfRowsInSection:
. The method accepts two arguments, (1) the table view sending the message, and (2) the section of which the table view wants to know the number of rows. The implementation of this method is pretty simple as you can see below. We start by declaring an integer named numberOfRows
and assign it the number of items in the fruits
array by calling count
on the array. We then return the numberOfRows
variable as the method expects.
- (NSInteger)tableView:(UITableView *)tableView numberOfRowsInSection:(NSInteger)section { NSInteger numberOfRows = [self.fruits count]; return numberOfRows; }
The implementation of this method is so easy that we might as well make it a bit more concise. Take a look at the implementation below to make sure that you understand what changed.
- (NSInteger)tableView:(UITableView *)tableView numberOfRowsInSection:(NSInteger)section { return [self.fruits count]; }
If you were to build and run the project now, the application would still crash. The table view expects the data source, our view controller, to return a table view cell for each item of each section. The message displayed in the console after the crash is clear about what we need to do next.
UITableView dataSource must return a cell from tableView:cellForRowAtIndexPath:
To remedy this, we need to implement tableView:cellForRowAtIndexPath:
, another method of the UITableViewDataSource
protocol. Like most Objective-C method names, the name of the method is very descriptive. By sending this message to the table view’s dataSource
object, the table view asks its data source for the table view cell of the row specified by indexPath
Before continuing, I would like to take a minute to talk about the NSIndexPath
class. As the documentation explains, “The NSIndexPath
class represents the path to a specific node in a tree of nested array collections.” An instance of this class can hold one or more indices. In the case of our table view, it holds an index for the section an item is in and the row of that item in the section. A table view is never deeper than two levels, the first level being the section and the second level being the row in the section. Even though NSIndexPath
is a Foundation class, the UIKit framework adds a handful of extra methods to the class, which make working with table views easier. Let’s inspect the implementation of the tableView:cellForRowAtIndexPath:
- (UITableViewCell *)tableView:(UITableView *)tableView cellForRowAtIndexPath:(NSIndexPath *)indexPath { static NSString *CellIdentifier = @"Cell Identifier"; [tableView registerClass:[UITableViewCell class] forCellReuseIdentifier:CellIdentifier]; UITableViewCell *cell = [tableView dequeueReusableCellWithIdentifier:CellIdentifier forIndexPath:indexPath]; // Fetch Fruit NSString *fruit = [self.fruits objectAtIndex:[indexPath row]]; [cell.textLabel setText:fruit]; return cell; }
In the first line of tableView:cellForRowAtIndexPath:
, we declare a static string. The advantage of declaring the string as static is that the compiler will use only one copy of this string instead of creating a new string every time the tableView:cellForRowAtIndexPath:
method is called. This helps to keep down the memory usage of the table view.
static NSString *CellIdentifier = @"Cell Identifier";
Reusing Table View Cells
In the previous article, I told you that views are an important component of an iOS application. However, views are expensive in terms of the memory and processing power they consume. When working with table views, it is important to reuse table view cells as much as possible. By reusing table view cells, the table view doesn’t have to initialize a new table view cell from scratch every time a new row needs to be drawn to the screen.
Table view cells that move off-screen are not thrown into the trash. Table view cells can be marked for reuse by specifying a reuse identifier during initialization. When a table view cell that is marked for reuse moves off-screen, the table view puts it into a reuse queue for later reuse. When the table view’s dataSource
object asks the table view for a new cell and specifies a reuse identifier, the table view will first inspect the reuse queue if a table view cell with the specified reuse identifier is available. If no table view cell is available, the table view will instantiate a new one and hand it over to its dataSource
UITableViewCell *cell = [tableView dequeueReusableCellWithIdentifier:CellIdentifier forIndexPath:indexPath];
The table view’s dataSource
object asks the table view for a table view cell by sending it a message of dequeueReusableCellWithIdentifier:forIndexPath:
. The method accepts the reuse identifier I mentioned earlier as well as the index path of the table view cell. How does the table view know how to create a new table view cell? In other words, how does the table view know what class to use to instantiate a new table view cell? The answer is simple. Before sending the table view the message dequeueReusableCellWithIdentifier:forIndexPath:
, the table view needs to know what class to use with a particular reuse identifier, which is accomplished by sending the table view a message of registerClass:forCellReuseIdentifier:
and specifying the class to use and a reuse identifier. Take a look at the example below.
[tableView registerClass:[UITableViewCell class] forCellReuseIdentifier:CellIdentifier]; UITableViewCell *cell = [tableView dequeueReusableCellWithIdentifier:CellIdentifier forIndexPath:indexPath];
Configuring the Table View Cell
The next step involves populating the table view cell with the data stored in the fruits
array. This means that we need to know what element to use from the fruits
array, which in turn means that we need to somehow know the row index of the table view cell. The indexPath
argument of the tableView:cellForRowAtIndexPath:
method has this information. As I mentioned earlier, it has a few extra methods for making working with table views easier. One of these methods is row
, which returns the row for the cell. We fetch the correct fruit by sending the fruits
array a message of objectAtIndex:
and passing the correct row as shown below.
NSString *fruit = [self.fruits objectAtIndex:[indexPath row]];
Finally, we set the text of the textLabel
property of the cell to the fruit name we fetched from the fruits
array. The UITableViewCell
class is a UIView
subclass and it has a number of subviews. One of these subviews is an instance of UILabel
and we use this label to display the name of the fruit in the table view cell.
[cell.textLabel setText:fruit];
The tableView:cellForRowAtIndexPath:
method expects us to return an instance of the UITableViewCell
class and that is what we do at the end of the method.
return cell;
Build and run the project once more. You should now have a fully functional table view populated with the array of fruit names stored in the view controller’s fruits
Before we take a look at the UITableViewDelegate
protocol, I want to modify the current implementation of the data source protocol by adding sections to the table view. If the list of fruits were to grow over time, it would be better and more user friendly to sort the fruits alphabetically and group them into sections based on the fruit’s first letter.
If we want to add sections to the table view, the current array of fruit names won’t suffice. Instead, the data needs to be divided into sections and the fruits in each section need to be sorted alphabetically. A dictionary (NSDictionary
) is the ideal candidate for this purpose. Add a new property named alphabetizedFruits
to the view controller’s header file and head back to the viewDidLoad
method in the view controller’s implementation file.
#import <UIKit/UIKit.h> @interface MTViewController : UIViewController @property NSArray *fruits; @property NSDictionary *alphabetizedFruits; @end
In the viewDidLoad
method, we use the fruits
array to create a dictionary of fruits. The dictionary should contain an array of fruits for each letter of the alphabet. The dictionary is created in a helper method, the alphabetizeFruits:
method, which accepts the fruits
array as an argument. The alphabetizeFruits:
method might be a bit overwhelming at first sight, but it is actually pretty straightforward. We first create a mutable dictionary (NSMutableDictionary
) to temporarily store the sections in and we then loop over the fruits in the fruits
array, grab the first letter of each fruit, and, based on the first letter, add it to the corresponding array in the temporary mutable array. Each section is represented by a mutable array (NSMutableArray
In a second for
loop, we iterate through the temporary dictionary and sort each array of fruits alphabetically. Finally, we create a new dictionary from the temporary mutable dictionary and return that dictionary at the end of the method. Don’t worry if the implementation of alphabetizeFruits:
isn’t entirely clear. The focus of this article is on table views and not on creating an alphabetized list of fruits.
- (NSDictionary *)alphabetizeFruits:(NSArray *)fruits { NSMutableDictionary *buffer = [[NSMutableDictionary alloc] init]; // Put Fruits in Sections for (int i = 0; i < [fruits count]; i++) { NSString *fruit = [fruits objectAtIndex:i]; NSString *firstLetter = [[fruit substringToIndex:1] uppercaseString]; if ([buffer objectForKey:firstLetter]) { [(NSMutableArray *)[buffer objectForKey:firstLetter] addObject:fruit]; } else { NSMutableArray *mutableArray = [[NSMutableArray alloc] initWithObjects:fruit, nil]; [buffer setObject:mutableArray forKey:firstLetter]; } } // Sort Fruits NSArray *keys = [buffer allKeys]; for (int j = 0; j < [keys count]; j++) { NSString *key = [keys objectAtIndex:j]; [(NSMutableArray *)[buffer objectForKey:key] sortUsingSelector:@selector(localizedCaseInsensitiveCompare:)]; } NSDictionary *result = [NSDictionary dictionaryWithDictionary:buffer]; return result; }
Number of Sections
With the new data source into place, the first thing we need to do is update the numberOfSectionsInTableView:
method of the UITableViewDataSource
protocol. The updated implementation is quite easy as you can see below. We start by asking the dictionary, alphabetizedFruits
, for all its keys by sending it a message of allKeys
. This will pull out all the keys of the dictionary and put them in an array. The number of keys in the returned array equals the number of sections in the table view.
- (NSInteger)numberOfSectionsInTableView:(UITableView *)tableView { NSArray *keys = [self.alphabetizedFruits allKeys]; return [keys count]; }
Next, we need to update tableView:numberOfRowsInSection:
. As in numberOfSectionsInTableView:
, we start by asking alphabetizedFruits
for its keys and we then sort the array of keys. Sorting the array of keys is important, because the key-value pairs of a dictionary are not ordered. This is one key differences with arrays and something that often trips up developers who are new to Objective-C. In the next step, we fetch the correct key for the section and we can then ask alphabetizedFruits
for the array associated with that key. Finally, the number of items in the array is returned.
- (NSInteger)tableView:(UITableView *)tableView numberOfRowsInSection:(NSInteger)section { NSArray *unsortedKeys = [self.alphabetizedFruits allKeys]; NSArray *sortedKeys = [unsortedKeys sortedArrayUsingSelector:@selector(localizedCaseInsensitiveCompare:)]; NSString *key = [sortedKeys objectAtIndex:section]; NSArray *fruitsForSection = [self.alphabetizedFruits objectForKey:key]; return [fruitsForSection count]; }
The changes that we need to make to tableView:cellForRowAtIndexPath:
are very similar. Everything remains the same except for the way we fetch the fruit name that the table view cell will display.
- (UITableViewCell *)tableView:(UITableView *)tableView cellForRowAtIndexPath:(NSIndexPath *)indexPath { static NSString *CellIdentifier = @"Cell Identifier"; [tableView registerClass:[UITableViewCell class] forCellReuseIdentifier:CellIdentifier]; UITableViewCell *cell = [tableView dequeueReusableCellWithIdentifier:CellIdentifier forIndexPath:indexPath]; // Fetch Fruit NSArray *unsortedKeys = [self.alphabetizedFruits allKeys]; NSArray *sortedKeys = [unsortedKeys sortedArrayUsingSelector:@selector(localizedCaseInsensitiveCompare:)]; NSString *key = [sortedKeys objectAtIndex:[indexPath section]]; NSArray *fruitsForSection = [self.alphabetizedFruits objectForKey:key]; NSString *fruit = [fruitsForSection objectAtIndex:[indexPath row]]; [cell.textLabel setText:fruit]; return cell; }
If you were to build and run the project, you would not see any section headers like in the Contacts application. This is because we need to tell the table view what should be displayed in the section header of each section. The most obvious choice is to display the name of each section, that is, a letter of the alphabet. The easiest way to do this is by implementing tableView:titleForHeaderInSection:
, which is another method from the UITableViewDataSource
protocol. Take a look at the method implementation below. It is very similar to the implementation of tableView:numberOfRowsInSection:
- (NSString *)tableView:(UITableView *)tableView titleForHeaderInSection:(NSInteger)section { NSArray *keys = [[self.alphabetizedFruits allKeys] sortedArrayUsingSelector:@selector(localizedCaseInsensitiveCompare:)]; NSString *key = [keys objectAtIndex:section]; return key; }
Build and run your application and see how the table view is now a list of sections with each section containing an alphabetized list of fruits.
In addition to the UITableViewDataSource
protocol, the UIKit framework also defines the UITableViewDelegate
protocol to which the table view’s delegate
object needs to conform.
In Interface Builder, we already set our view controller as the delegate of the table view. Even though we have not yet implemented any of the delegate methods defined in the UITableViewDelegate
protocol, our application worked just fine. This is because all the method of the UITableViewDelegate
protocol are optional.
It would be nice, however, to be able to respond to touch events. Whenever a user touches a row, we should be able to log the name of the corresponding fruit to the console window. Even though this isn’t very useful, it will show you how the delegate pattern works. Implementing this behavior is actually very easy. All we have to do is implement the tableView:didSelectRowAtIndexPath:
method of the UITableViewDelegate
- (void)tableView:(UITableView *)tableView didSelectRowAtIndexPath:(NSIndexPath *)indexPath { // Fetch Fruit NSArray *unsortedKeys = [self.alphabetizedFruits allKeys]; NSArray *sortedKeys = [unsortedKeys sortedArrayUsingSelector:@selector(localizedCaseInsensitiveCompare:)]; NSString *key = [sortedKeys objectAtIndex:[indexPath section]]; NSArray *fruitsForSection = [self.alphabetizedFruits objectForKey:key]; NSString *fruit = [fruitsForSection objectAtIndex:[indexPath row]]; NSLog(@"Fruit Selected > %@", fruit); }
Fetching the name of the fruit that corresponds to the selected row should be familiar by now. The only difference is that we log the fruit’s name to the console window.
It might surprise you that we use the alphabetizedFruits
dictionary to look up the corresponding fruit. Why don’t we ask the table view or the table view cell that displays the fruit’s name? A table view cell is a view and its sole purpose is displaying information to the user. It doesn’t know what it is displaying other than how to display it. The table view itself doesn’t have the responsibility to know about its data source, it only knows how to display the sections and rows that it contains and manages.
This example is another good illustration of the separation of concerns of the Model-View-Controller (MVC) pattern that we saw earlier in this series. Views don’t know anything about application data apart from how to display it. If you want to write reliable and robust iOS applications, it is very important to know about and respect this separation of responsibilities.
Table views are not that complicated once you understand how they behave and know about their various components, such as the data source and delegate objects of the table view. However, I do want to emphasize that we only saw a glimpse of what a table view is capable of doing in this tutorial. In the rest of this series, we will revisit the table view and explore a few more pieces of the puzzle. In the next installment of this series, we will take a look at navigation controllers.